
Värvitoonid ekraanil ei pruugi olla täpsed, sest on edastatud elektroonselt ning nende intensiivsus sõltub kuvari seadetest. Veenduge värvitooni sobivuses kasutades spetsiaalset värvikaarti kaupluses. Võimalusel võtke värvilaast endaga kaasa ning kontrollige värvitooni sobivust samas ümbruses ja valguses, kus seda kasutama hakkate.
Soovitame enne värvimist tooni sobivust testida.
Värvitooni andmed

RGB väärtus

172,55,56 (#ac3738)




Värvitooni võib leida sellelt värvikaardilt

Light reflection value (LRV)

The reflectance value states the quantity of light reflected from a painted surface as a percentage. The reflectance value of the colour black is 0 % and the reflectance value of the colour white is 100 %. The lower a reflectance value a colour has, the higher can its temperature rise when it is exposed to sunlight. An increase in the temperature of the surface may accelerate a paint’s ageing reactions and create movement in the substrate which results from temperature fluctuations.

This colour is available in these paint types

  • Alkyd paints, acrylate paints and coatings
  • Paints for wooden facades
  • Mineral facade paints and coatings
  • Socle paints and coatings
  • Tin roof and metal surface paints
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